Real Identity Verification 客户实名认证

Customer Real Identiy Verification

Not all our service require Real Indentity Verification, but if there is any abuse case happens, and any required help for internet crimes, you are required to provide real identity identification. 

Followng is two documents require for idendity of service, please provide minimun one from each category :

  1. One of following document from government issued photo ID to verify yourself
    • National Identity Card 
    • Driving License
    • Passport Document
    • Visa Document
  2. One of following document to proof of address and your full name
    • Bank / Credit Card Statements
    • Utility Bills, for eg Water, Electiricty, Gas, Local or Mobile Phone, Internet or Cable TV 
    • Tax Return Documents

Customer require to submit clear copy of photo of above document from the customer, country of residents.

We may require you to submit more detail if there is necessary.

All document submited will be keep in secure place, and protected under the Law of Hong Kong.



不是我们的服务需要实名认证,不过如果你的服务有发现滥用或者违反我们的TOS,为防止滥用, 我司有权要求客户实名认证, 以继续享用服务。

被要求实名认证的客户, 必须提交以下两种文件,每组最至少一种,以验证身份:

  1. 客户居住地政府发布的证件,必须带有照片以及地址
    • 身份证
    • 驾驶执照
    • 护照
    • 出国签证
  2. 客户当地的消费服务单,必须带有地址以及姓名。
    • 银行卡/信用卡最近的账单
    • 水电费,煤气,互联网,固电或手提电话单,无限电视单
    • 个人报税表




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